angle-left IDE (Industry Digital Evolution) Conference 2022

IDE 2022 aims at providing three exciting days of discussion and debate between experts from different industries with the objective of sharing technological experiences, as well as problems and solutions that have fostered the current competitive scenario. Speakers from academia and industry share the stage in five sections covering different industry domains. Experiences emerging from research and practice will be contaminated and evolve into new opportunities and ideas.
This year’s edition is funded under the project EBIT (Ecosystems for BusIness Transformation) co-financed by the European Union under the instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA II). During the conference and in cooperation with associated events in Bari and Tirana, an innovative cross-border hub for industrial and scientific networking in the South Adriatic will be created to define and launch new projects and collaborations.

For any further information, please download the brochure.