angle-left Cross-border mechanisms for Green Intermodal and Multimodal Transport of FRESH products
Funding Type:
Short Description:

FRESH WAYS is an infrastructural intervention, which has the general objective to promote sustainable transport and cost-effective solutions, reducing the dependency on trucks as not environmentally-friendly way of transport. The project aims to improve commercial exchange along with passengers transport between Puglia and Greece, thanks to the specific
objective of establishing new ways to ship fresh products and extend the availability of Puglia-Greece routes covered by passengers’ airlines in the eligible area. The specific objective will be pursued through the evaluation of the possibility of using passengers’ airlines to ship fresh products in their hold. Furthermore, in line with the triple helix approach, the proposal will
promote cooperation platform between Public administrations, research centres and business sector in order to identify potentials and pave the way for future eco-sustainable transport investments. The proposal will enforce a model for a tourism seasonally adjusted, and will have spill over effects on the Adriatic countries (within EUSAIR strategy) that propose to overcome the GAP with advanced tourism systems. For this reason, Fresh Ways aims to reduce dependency on road transport for freight, in line with
one of the specific results foreseen by the S.O.3.2 of the programme, developing environmental friendly, multimodal, cross border, integrated interventions.

Role: Scientific leader for Research Unit “Department of Engineering for Innovation of the University of Salento”