angle-left Convenzione Quadro "A.I&S.M.4.0 - L'Intelligenza Artificiale e lo Sport Management 4.0”
Funding Type:
Framework agreement with Inmatica S.p.A. with the collaboration of U.S. Lecce
Short Description:

The project involves members of CAMPI and CoreLab for the development of a software tool to support match analysis using deep learning, video processing, and information extraction techniques: 
- Image/video processing methods for automatic definition of a pitch prospectus from match footage.
- Player detection, recognition, and tracking through the use of deep networks and software libraries (on C and Python), adapting deep learning and computational tools applied to image analysis (latest version of YOLO)
- Extraction of player metrics, data visualization, and informative statistics on player and team performance.

Role: Scientific partner